The Postal Microscopical Society
Postal Microscopical Society
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Annual Subscriptions
On-circuit £24    Off-circuit £15     
Continental Europe
On-circuit £30    Off-circuit £21
Outside Europe
Off-circuit only £26
The Postal Microscopical Society was founded in 1873, with its principal objective, the circulation of boxes of slides illustrating the work of members or that of professional mounters.This is still the main function of the Society. Members are organised into 'Circuits'. Boxes of slides are circulated, accompanied by notebooks in which each recipient records his comments, criticism, and perhaps additional notes on the mounts themselves, before passing the box on to the next member on the 'circuit'.
Currently, boxes are despatched at four week intervals. Thus, each member receives roughly twelve boxes per year. As each box will normally contain 12 slides, each member has the opportunity to study many different slides during the year. It is rare indeed to receive a box which does not provide a great deal of interest and enjoyment; often the difficulty is to part with it. Members are actively encouraged to participate, by making their own slides available for circulation, and this aspect is the 'life blood' of the Society. The members are mostly amateurs with an interest in many aspects of the microscope and microscopy, so the subject matter varies greatly.
The essence of the Society is the friendly and helpful interchange of information. Help is offered to beginners and experts alike  from memmebers with experience or specialised knowledge in particular fields. Thus, help is only a postage stamp/phone call/email away and the beginner has access to a mine of information.

Balsam Post
'Balsam Post' the Newsletter of the Society, is published four times a year. Written by the members for the members, this is another source of advice, news, help and guidance. The aim is to provide information but without too much scientific jargon. PMS help is intended to be practical and helpful. Back issues can be supplied when available, and these alone provide much good reading and helpful information. All members are encouraged to write for Balsam Post on any subject allied to microscopy and natural history.  A comprehensive index is now available.

Meetings organised by the Society are usually held in May and October each year. This is the only non postal function that can be arranged, for with members spread all over the UK, it is, inevitably, impossible for all members to make the journey.

It is appreciated that some members for various reasons, do not wish to participate in the slide circulation section of the Society.   Therefore an alternative 'Off Circuit' membership is available at a reduced fee. All the other facilities and advantages, including 'Balsam Post' are provided for these members.

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The Postal Microscopical Society
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